A month from now, countries will gather in Durban, South Africa to try to reach agreement on an ambitious programme for tackling climate change. The world’s level of effort on climate change mitigation is not in line with the science. In a call to do more, the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), with the support of the Government of Ireland, are releasing a paper that outlines various options put forward by governments, NGOs and academics for designing a climate regime capable of delivering adequate mitigation action.

Entitled Building the Climate Change Regime: Survey and Analysis of Approaches, the paper shows that a menu of options is available for scaling up action on the part of national governments and designing a climate regime capable of delivering adequate mitigation action. The World Resources Institute (WRI) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) cordially invite you to launch events in Dublin and Washington D.C.


  • John McCarthy, Assistant Secretary General, Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government
  • Nick Nuttall, Spokesperson, Office of the Executive Director, UNEP Nairobi
  • Remi Moncel, Associate, Climate and Energy Program, World Resources Institute
  • Prof. John Sweeney, National University of Ireland, Maynooth
  • Feargal Duff, Irish Doctors for the Environment & FEASTA


  • Amy Fraenkel, Regional Director, UNEP Regional Office for North America
  • Noel Casserly, Climate Change Policy, Department of Environment, Community and Local Government, Government of Ireland
  • Jennifer Morgan, Director, Climate and Energy Program, World Resources Institute
  • Remi Moncel, Associate, Climate and Energy Program, World Resources Institute
  • Other commentators invited

Details to join the event remotely will be provided next week.