This page lists the references used to identify coastal hypoxic and eutrophic areas that are featured in the interactive map, as well as works cited in the "About Eutrophication" section of this website.

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Abadie, S.W. and M.A. Poirrier. 2000. "Increased density of large Rangia clams in Lake Pontchartrain after the cessation of shell dredging." Journal of Shellfish Research 19: 481-485.

Abe, J., J. Wellens-Mensah, O.S. Diallo, and C. Mbuyil Wa Mpoyi. 2003. Global International Waters Assessment Guinea Current, GIWA Regional assessment 42. University of Kalmar on behalf of United Nations Environment Programme.

Abril, G., H. Etcheber, P.L. Hir, P. Bassoullet, B. Boutier, and M. Frankignoulle. 1999. "Oxic/anoxic oscillations and organic carbon mineralization in an estuarine maximum turbidity zone (The Gironde, France)." Limnology and Oceanography 44: 1304-1315.

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Aleksandrov, S.V. 2010. “Biological production and eutrophication of Baltic Sea estuarine ecosystems: The Curonian and Vistula Lagoons.” Marine Pollution Bulletin 61: 205-210.

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Auffrey, L.M., S.M.C. Robinson, and M.A. Barbeau. 2004. "Effect of green macroalgal mats on burial depth of soft-shelled clams Mya arenaria." Marine Ecology Progress Series 278: 193–203.

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Baden, S.P., L.O. Loo, L. Pihl, and R. Rosenberg. 1990a. "Effects of eutrophication on benthic communities including fish - Swedish west coast." Ambio 19: 113-122.

Baden, S.P., L. Pihl, and R. Rosenberg. 1990b. "Effects of oxygen depletion on the ecology, blood physiology and fishery of the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus." Marine Ecology Progress Series 67: 141-155.

Balls, P.W., N. Brockie, J. Dobson, and W. Johnston. 1996. "Dissolved oxygen and nitrification in the upper Forth Estuary during summer (1982–92): Patterns and trends." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 42: 117-134.

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Bange, H.W., K. Bergmann, H.P. Hansen, A. Kock, R. Koppe, F. Malien, and C. Ostrau. 2010. "Dissolved methane during hypoxic events at the Boknis Eck time series station (Eckernf¨orde Bay, SW Baltic Sea)." Biogeosciences 7: 1279-1284.

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Becker, A., L.J.B. Laurenson, and K. Bishop. 2009. "Artificial mouth opening fosters anoxic conditions that kill small estuarine fish." Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 82(4): 566-572.

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Blay, J., Jr. and F. Dongdem. 1996. "Preliminary observations on the benthic macrofauna of a polluted coastal lagoon in Ghana (West Africa)." Tropical Ecology 37: 127-133.

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Breitburg, D.L, T. Loher, C.A. Pacey, and A. Gerstein. 1997. "Varying effects of low dissolved oxygen on trophic interactions in an estuarine food web." Ecological Monographs 67: 489-507.

Bricker, S.B., C.G. Clement, D.E. Pirhalla, S.P. Orlando, and D.R.G. Farrow. 1999. National Estuarine Eutrophication Assessment: Effects of Nutrient Enrichment in the Nation’s Estuaries. NOAA, National Ocean Service, Special Projects Office and the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science. Silver Spring, MD. 71 p.

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Brown, C.A. and R.J. Ozretich. 2009. "Coupling between the coastal ocean and Yaquina Bay, Oregon: Importance of oceanic inputs relative to other nitrogen sources." Estuaries and Coasts 32: 219-237.

Buchan, L.A.J. and P.J. Randall. 2003. "Assessment of Stream Ecosystem Functions for the Coyote Creek Watershed: Coyote Creek Watershed Integrated Pilot Assessment Final Report." Prepared for the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program.

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Bundy, A. and D. Pauly. 2001. “Selective harvesting by small-scale fisheries: ecosystem analysis of San Miguel Bay, Philippines.” Fisheries Research 53: 263-281.

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Burnett, L.E. 1997. "The challenges of living in hypoxic and hypercapnic aquatic environments." American Zoologist 37: 633-640.

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